Tuesday 18 November 2014

Typography poster campaigns

The idea of using typography in poster campaigns can be seen as very effective in films such as '27 Dresses', 'One Love', 'The Words' and 'What's Your Number?'. In the top left poster, 'One Love', the use of symbols/icons that are typically associated with Bob Marley, the main focus of the film, such as peace signs, music notes, happiness and love which make up the outline of his head. In case the typography image is unclear to some audiences, or they struggle to connect the links displayed in the poster, at the bottom, 'Marley' is printed very clearly, with the release date below. The title is additionally very clear, separate from the image and relates directly to one of his most famous songs. The poster overall is very effective in the way it directly links to the associations to Bob Marley, the main focus of the film.
In the top-right, the poster for 'What's Your Number?', the use of typography is also used effectively. The main image makes up a heart through the use of numbers, directly linking to the title, with the heart shape suggesting a romantic genre. One of the main characters is also shown to be sitting on top of the heart and wearing red, further suggesting romance and passion. The title remains separate from the image with the word 'number' in red, again supporting the idea of romance. The poster overall is effective as it makes the use of the word 'number' in the title and the romantic genre to link the ideas together through a typography manner, clearly linking to the film itself.
The poster in the bottom-left is for the film '27 Dresses' and again uses the technique of typography to advertise the film. The outline of a wedding dress, supported by the shape and background colour of white, immediately relates to the title through the link of dresses. The title is a different colour and size from the rest of the text which makes it easy to read and differentiate from the rest of the text. The main character is also seen to be wearing the 'dress' creating an easy association for the audience. Overall, the poster is effective as the link between the title and the storyline with the poster is presented very clearly through the use of typography creating the shape of a wedding dress and immediately alerts the potential audience as to what the film may be about.
In the bottom-right is the poster for the film 'The Words' where the outline of one of the main characters, Bradley Cooper, is made up out of words that relate to the storyline of the film as a tease to the audience about the content. The title is separate from the image, and the use of the word 'Words' directly relates to the use of typography technique. The poster uses the technique of typography effectively by relating the title to the technique, by including the main character and by teasing the potential audience to the plot and content of the film using the words that make up the outline of Bradley Cooper.

Based on the use of typography to create the poster for my own short film, my initial idea would be the have the outline of a student studying, or another significant event or object, relating to teenager years which will be filled with all the words that people link/associate to being a teenager, which would in turn, also relate to my short film as it weighs up the positive and negative aspects of being a teenager and growing up.

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