Friday 28 November 2014

Poster for my short film based on idea of divison

Based on the idea presented by the Valentine's Day poster campaign of including a split between the main focus of the film and displaying the two sides as 'teaser' posters, I created two posters for my own short film drawing upon the different aspects of teenage life which are focused upon in my short film:

Whilst filming for my short film, I also took the opportunity to take several photos which may have come in handy when creating my film poster, which I have ended up using in the posters above. The first poster presents a student in their uniform daydreaming about all the 'good' things about growing up including parties, hanging out with friends, learning to drive and leaving high school, memorable events which students will usually take part in and remember for life as major stepping stones in growing up. The second poster is almost a flip-side of the first, with the teenager in her school uniform also daydreaming, but about all the 'bad' things about growing up, including writing essays, sitting exams, revising and dealing with arguing parents, activities which most students will usually find difficult, time consuming and stressful.

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