Monday 17 November 2014

Poster ideas based on idea of division

Based on the idea of using a divide to advertise a film that links together through a particular event, as shown in Valentine's Day I (very roughly) created two posters following a similar theme to focus upon weighing up the stressful and enjoyable experiences of being a teenager and growing up:

As you can see, the first poster focusses upon the best, and most enjoyable aspects of growing up. The image of a teenager, in their school uniform looking fed up will appear in the far right hand side of the poster with a thought bubble featuring photos, taken whilst filming, of arguably, all the best things about growing up, such as funfairs, visiting the beach, having fun with little responsibility. Beside the image of the student will be a list featuring some of the activities that featured within my film, such as holidays, gigs and leavers day. The title will appear below this lift with the other information regarding camera, sound, lighting, release date and hashtag, to encourage advertisement across social media.
An identical design will appear on the other poster, but focussing upon the worst and most stressful aspects of growing up and being a teenager. The image of the teenager in their school uniform will appear, flipped, in the far left of the poster, giving the impression the student is being split in two. The image of the thought bubble will also be flipped and filled with photos, taken during filming, that display, arguably the worst things about growing up, such as revision, filling out UCAS and struggling with issues regarding body image. Beside the image of the student will again be a list of the activities that feature within my film, such as homework, deciding on unis and bullying. Below this list will be the film title with other information regarding camera, sound, lighting, release date and hashtag to encourage advertisement across social media.

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