Thursday 13 November 2014

Poster ideas based on individual teaser posters

Drawing has never been one of my strongest skills, so unfortunately you'll have to bare with my lack of skills and use of stick men. Based on the idea of using individual teaser posters to advertise a film that all link together, as shown in Les Mis, I (very roughly) created 3 ideas of themes I could focus on that feature within my film, as can be seen below:


As you can see each poster features a main image which dominates the poster with only the title, other relevant information, such as the release date, and the hashtag #BestYears, allowing the potential audience to voice about the film over social media. The aim of each poster would be to highlight the main events or activities a teenager experiences whilst growing up, all contributing to the aim of the short film itself, to encourage teenagers to make the most of their youth instead of being stressed and constantly worrying.

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