Friday 14 November 2014

Star Wars poster campaign

The Star Wars poster campaign for the films 'Episode I', 'Episode II', 'Episode III', was used very effectively to advertise the film through the use of a trio 'teaser' posters, focussing upon 3 recognisable characters within each film and also, arguably, the most memorable scene from each film. The first poster on the left advertises the first film and includes a shadow of a droid, a common figure within the first film with the memorable race scene. The second poster follows an identical design with the outline of a storm trooper, again a common figure throughout the film, with the scene of the battle inside, arguably, the most memorable scene from the movie. It is no surprise that the poster for the third film follows the same design with the outline of Darth Vader with the battle scene between two of the main characters. The idea of the trio of posters following the same design emphasises the links within the plot and leaves the poster campaign being easily recognisable. The view of the silhouette figures with scenes of the film inside them acts as teaser/sneak preview for those that had not seen the film, and as a familiar memory for those that previously already had.

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