Tuesday 22 July 2014

Final Idea: Character Biographies

Although there aren't any specific characters in my short film, I wanted to do some research into what people typically expect a teenager to be and how they behave to give me a rough idea of the expectations of my documentary.

I researched online to see what others had suggested are the most common traits amongst teenagers and conducted a survey using this as inspiration and received the following results:

1) What physical characteristics do you expect from a typical teenager?

2) What social characteristics would you expect from a typical teenager? 

3) What intellectual characteristics do you expect from a typical teenager? 

4) Where would you expect teenagers to mostly hang out?

5) What emotional characteristics do you expect from a typical teenager?

6) What behaviour do you expect from a typical teenager?

From this research I plan to take note of what a wide range of people would expect from the teenagers that will feature in my documentary. As well as playing towards the expectations from the research, I also want to challenge the views to show some people that view teenagers as loud and a bad influence that most of them do work hard, have to deal with a lot of stress and can be more self conscious and insecure than they sometimes let on.

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