Wednesday 10 December 2014

Magazine article layout ideas based on Empire magazine article

From the different aspects and features from both the Empire magazine articles I, very roughly, designed an article which can be seen below:

As with the first Empire article, this would consist of a main image which dominates the majority of the double-page spread which would either feature the most effective shot from the film or a collage of several snapshots. The film title would be clearly displayed in the bottom left corner with the magazine feature, i.e. Film of the month, in the top left. On the opposite side of the photo would be a quote from the article regarding the film in the top right and the caption to explain to the reader what is going on in the image in the bottom right. The article itself would be situated on the far right which would briefly explain the film and its message whilst reviewing the effect the film may have on its potential audience. The magazine name, issue number/date and page number would be set in the far bottom right corner of the article.

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