Wednesday 10 December 2014

Empire Magazine Article

One of the most popular film magazines is Empire, so I thought it would be beneficial to conduct some research into how the articles are designed to generate ideas for my own magazine article. An article focusing upon the Twilight Saga can be seen below:

The main, and only image, takes up the majority of the double-page spread and features two of the main characters from the related films. The reader is automatically able to relate the actors to the film, hence the size being excessive in comparison to the text, especially the title that remains small and in the top left corner. The writing in the bottom left corner is larger than the film little and again is a reference to the saga and may spark more interest than just the title alone. The writing in the bottom right of the image covers a basic overview of what the article will cover, so letting the reader know what they can expect. The start of the article/review is a different size, font and colour in comparison to the rest of the article and is used to increase the interest of the reader. The type in the article itself is much smaller and creates a background to the first film, whilst focusing upon the main characters and the original books that the saga is based on, before moving into talking about the film sequel. The magazine article also includes the magazine name, the issue date and page number.

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