Monday 30 June 2014

Genre: Mock-umentary

Textual analysis of: The Internet, the truth behind the conspiracy
The mock-umentary clearly follows several conventions of a documentary but constantly features a comical effect throughout, undoubtedly giving the impression of a mock-umentary and therefore fulfilling its main purpose. The clip shows several establishing fast-forwarded shots and close-ups to establish the scenes in which the mock-umentary is taking place and focussing upon the subject it is concentrating on. The clip also features individual interviews further focussing upon the subject of the internet, again a common convention of a documentary/mock-umentary. The exaggeration of certain storylines and topics clearly emphasises upon the comedy factor within the clip making the intention of entertainment and amusement clear.

Treatment of a short in this genre: Local tennis fanatic believes he can be the best player in the world yet his lack or ability and experience state otherwise. Crew of cameras follow him in his everyday life to discover the training he goes through. There are interviews with his parents who state that they try and support their son in his dreams but end up arguing other whether that is the best option of whether they should tell him the truth or continue supporting him.

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